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Inspired by our values of collaboration, opportunity, respect and excellence, Rockwood Academy is committed to ensuring that pathways to success are as diverse and bespoke as the young people we serve.

Rockwood is here to help shape our students’ futures, whether that’s moving on to further education (colleges, additional courses) or to higher education (university) or into apprenticeships or jobs.

We encourage students to think carefully about what interests them in terms of careers, courses or university subjects. Their choices are supported by our careers guidance team.

We place great emphasis on developing students’ entrepreneurial skills so that they’re well prepared for the world they’ll face in the future. Enterprise is about having an idea and making it happen.

If you want to get in touch with our Careers Lead contact Mr D Cooke on 0121 556 6500

Students and Parents can also use access up to date information on Post 16 and careers opportunities on this Podcast.

The Parent Perspective on Apple Podcasts

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